Sunday, June 28, 2009

I'm Cool -- I Went To Youth Conference

I spoke today on the merits of Girls Camp. Sister Burdette would like to thank the Spirit for helping her get her talk together kinda last second-like. It was fun. I tried to make it a little exciting, just for the sleepy people.
We got home from Youth Conference last night. I had fun. I am tired. I don't want to go anywhere for awhile, 'cause I got lonely for my little ones and my bigger one. We went up to Manti for the Mormon Miracle Pageant, which was great fun. The arm gestures were a wee bit dramatic, but all in all, a great event. Especially the last part, when "Bob" (can't remember his name) goes running up the hill and then the lights turn on the temple. Had to try really hard to hold it together in that silent moment, 'cause I was pretty much ready to prostrate myself upon the ground and wail. I didn't, though. I was tough. In pictures, I now present:
Youth Conference 2009
Theme: Defining Moments
Here we have myself and the beautiful Rebekah Wendt, chillin' in the groovy van we couldn't see out of, but it was worth it for the totally awesome company (I tip my hat to you, Sister Barney. I will ride in an enclosed space with you anytime!)

The also beautiful and wonderful Danielle, Emily, and Helena.
Don't grow up, girls! It will be lonely without you!
(I did make them trade seats on the ride home, because the Dramamine had done it's best and my lunch was still threatening to rearrange itself. Carsickness=Dumb).

I wish I had pictures of myself rockin' the slippin slide at Snow Follies. If I get one later, I will post it. Very memorable. My stomach muscles remember, too.
After a delicious sanpete turkey dinner from the Shores (our gracious hosts), and a rain storm that could've ruined everything but didn't, we headed for the pageant in our radical matchy-matchy sweatshirts.
Here we have those adorable Allred's:
I really enjoy serving with Jon in the youth program. It's a blast. He had them all in stitches, and I appreciate him staying pretty darn close to the line. Only very minor deviations. Well done, Jonnie.
Here's the faithful Bishop and Sister Hicken. He really sets the tone for fun in our ward.

And finally, here's all of us. What a blast.

After the pageant, we roasted marshmallows and stayed up until 2:30, then went to a lake the next day, pizza for lunch, had a little fireside on defining moments in some of the leaders lives, and stopped on the way home for shakes and one last dance off. You should know I earned the name "Sister Scary Lady" from one of the new kids. Where is the justice in this? I ask you. I walked very happily into my house at 9:30.

All in all, it was a super-de-dooper fun event. And I am SO GLAD to be home with my husband and kids again. I don't want to leave them again for a looongggg, long time. I missed them. I appreciate my Husband of Quality for holding down the fort and supporting me in my awesome calling. I would also like to thank the following contributors for their ongoing support: Trina for saving the children while daddy randomly falls asleep, Sabrina for watching them on Friday, and my own dear parents for Saturday without car seats. I love you all!


Tink said...

First...Just to be annoying, his name is Robert, but Bob is the nickname for Robert so you are pretty darn close!
Second...You look beautiful in that color of blue! I love it on you!
Third...Your kids were great and I'm glad I could be of assistance!
Fourth...I always miss out on the fun stuff! Looks like you had a blast! I'm glad you're home for awhile now!

Tara said...

Just from a slightly shyer personality I think I can see why someone may think of you as "scary" :) I think it's in a good way. Just to be so outgoing and willing to be fun and crazy in public to a shy person could be considered scary because it would scare them to act that way!! I wouldn't take offense at the nickname.

The Farnsworths said...

That was such a good talk today, thanks for sharing your thoughts and stories with us, very nice! That looked like such an awesome youth conference!!

The Decaffeinated Chef said...

Such an amazing and descriptive posting about the wonderful youth conference you attended. Unfortunatly it has been tainted by one omitted yet vital part of your journey. Who you may ask am I talking of? Let me tell you and your followers of one very unassuming man. This man, who risked his own life to save not only yours, but those lives of the other 13 people aboard this party van of which you talked. The driver who humbly put his life and temple recommend on the line, consuming unholy amounts of caffinated beverages in an effort to provide you with safe passage to and from the youth conference mentioned above. While you danced and enjoyed the party in the back, this man was as the front of a mullet, all business. I just knew as I valiantly fought sleep, nausea, shakes and a mild cardiac arithmia brought on by my desire for your safty,(possibly partly caffeine induced)that you would undoubtably dedicate an amazing post to my courage and fortitude in the face of such a daunting task that I had selflessly undertaken. But to my great dismay not my name or picture mentioed above but that of my wife. Oh well as a great man once said, "I get no respect". Carry on with your blogging, but know in the back of your mind, it would not be possible without my help.

Ducksoup said...

we almost went to the pageant on friday, which i think is the day you went. instead ryan headed back to salt lake and i partied in nephi :). bummer, you were in my neck of the woods. you and jonnie look good, talk about some good lookin' cousins. and i'm glad you get to be home for a while now. leaving kids is never fun. love you f-cer. i will see you soon.