Monday, July 13, 2009

The UUUUUttttteeeee Stampede!

The Ute Stampede was this weekend, and since it is one of the very best highlights of my whole year, I have decided to post several entries about it and share lots of pictures. The Stampede is an annual celebration in Nephi that involves a bigtime Rodeo and three whole days of celebration. I LOVE it, and am so happy to pass that love on to my precious kids! This entry is all about The Mammoth Parade, which takes place on Friday every year and has floats and candy galore.

Priceless! This is us with my Grandma Allred. I love her so much. She is so sweet and wonderful.

Little Patriots

America! What are you if not small towns, family, and celebration?


Now here is a rare picture indeed! This is me (duh), Trina, and in the middle, the third member of our childhood best friendship, Emily! Also, some of our offspring. Emily lives in Colorado but was home visiting family and was nice enough to come see us! It was a lot of fun.
Get M.E.T. It pays.

Why yes, yes this IS my son dancing with the Juab High School Provita. Sometimes you just really feel the music, okay?

Me and my F.C. Mary Dawn. She is awesome! You might think that the fact that she is extremely beautiful, funny, industrious, and righteous might make me a little wary, but nope! It just makes me love her more!

It is ALWAYS a good idea to put your hands up in the air. Many times, you don't even need a reason! It's just a good idea.

This event is second only to Christmas in our family! I will always remember the thrill in the air during the month of July when I lived in Nephi. We have gone every year and imagine we always will! I love the Ute Stampede (and really, you should, too. Come next year. It's always the second weekend in July).
You could even come and hang with my cousins. They are hilarious!


katie said...

Look like so much fun! I got a good laugh at the picture of K.J. dancing:) Too cute!!

Tink said...

You captured the weekend very well. I don't know if I should even blog about it. I should just refer people to your blog!

Tara said...

Wow. Awesome posting. I'm proud of you!! Looks and sounds like a blast.

The Farnsworths said...

Love the new look of your blog. I'm so glad you had so much fun up there....I love the pictures!
thanks for sharing!

Ducksoup said...

loved all the pictures. the pictures of your kids with their hands over their heart and also their arms in the air are so cute. what a fun post with so many good pics. can you take over my blog cause you say things so much better than me!