Sunday, October 18, 2009

Me And The Double B

Me and My Man... yep, he's a hottie.

Today the Double B talked in church. He just got a new calling to serve a few months ago, which he loves and will be great at. He did such a great job speaking, my heart swelled with pride that I was the lottery winner and got to marry such a good man so firm in the faith! (go me, it's my birthday, yadda yadda, wootie wootie, etc.)
Anyhow, at the end of his talk he listed the three things that have helped him the most to know that his Father in Heaven loves him personally. I will list them for you, 'cause my little brain memorized them:
1) That He has a Savior who knows him and loves him and paid the price for his shortcomings.
2) That he has an eternal marriage... and right from the pulpit, folks, said "to a woman I love more then anything in the whole world" and for the two children we've been blessed with in our marriage. Go ahead, all of you -- swoon. I give you permission. I know I did!
3) That he has the Mother he has, who still helps lead and guide him, even though he is stubborn and can be pretty difficult, he has always looked up to her. I thought that was sweet.

I just had to share this for all of you to enjoy, because quite frankly... it did my little heart good. We all know men and women are not always on the same page, and sometimes I feel like maybe I'm the only one on the "I love you so much that my guts hurt" page. But nope, I think he might be on the same page, too. Sha-zam.
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Melissa said...

Sha-zam indeed! It's got to be your birthday! How lucky are you?!

Tink said...

It was really sweet to hear his confession of love and devotion over the pulpit! Lucky you!

Tink said...

P.S. I love the picture! ;-)