Monday, November 30, 2009

'Cause Nothing Will Make You Happier

Tonight the Double B put up our Christmas tree while I offered no help whatsoever but lots of emotional support. He is a fine human being, really.
The children assigned themselves to decorate said Christmas tree, and it was very magical. They did a great job, too! Brother led the way and helped Sister put hooks on her ornaments and suggested optimal placement.
Reach, Buddy!
Reach, Budd-ette!
I can't guarantee it, but I think somebody is excited for Christmas
And I quote, "Oh, silly ornament!"

Possibly my favorite picture of all time.

K.J. invented this last one... he calls it "the double ornament!!!!!!!" very enthusiastically. Look for it in stores soon!!!!
Happy December, everyone. You are loved.


Tink said...

Looks like so much fun. I can't wait to get my tree up.

Tara said...

We have our tree up but not yet decorated. we did set up the train around the tree though. I'm not sure how much I can handle with Bransen!

Megan Nordstrom said...

We went and got a tree last night, but it didn't get decorated! It looks beautiful. Those kids are dang good at decorating! It was good to see you and spend some time together. Love you.

Megan Nordstrom said...
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Ducksoup said...

cutest kids ever. cutest decorating party ever. great invention k.j. i'll be looking. we still don't have a tree and it's looking like we'll be going yet another christmas without one. ah, what's another year anyway.