Tuesday, February 19, 2013

National Weather Service

Getting my hair done by my Fancy Stylist.
Guess what: at 3:59 this morning I got my first email from the National Weather Service! Severe storm warning for Clay County starting Wednesday night into Thursday! Woot woot! Significant snow, sleet, and ice accumulations. Ice may cause damage to trees and power lines. May be a mix of snow, sleet, and freezing rain. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts.
Of course I didn't get it until I got up this morning (thank heavens, because that would have been a very rude awakening), and then I sat there for a minute analyzing things before I rolled out of bed for my morning prayer. Do we have enough food? Food that can be eaten without electricity? Check. Enough stored water? Check. Blankets? Check. Will I be driving my children to school Thursday morning? Heck no! Even if school is cancelled, the school district is going to have to accept that Marie no longer drives in winter conditions. Check. Can I convince the Double B not to risk life and limb if it is too dangerous to make the half hour commute to work? That is yet to be seen. Will I try? Check!
We're all set!
Dear Midwest,
I always enjoyed the idea of a wide, mysterious Great Plain in the middle of my great country. I did not ever expect to live here, but now that I do, let me just say that you have many charms. And I am about to see one of them! Starting Wednesday night into Thursday. I would like to thank my lovely strong house for being willing to protect us from your bark and bite.
Thanks for being you, Midwest. I fully plan on being your fan for the rest of my natural life.
We'll keep you posted! Should be exciting!

1 comment:

Elise said...

So...how did the storm work out?

I hope you survived. I don't not envy you in that weather. :(