Friday, August 21, 2015

Safely Settled

Well, we're citizens on the surface of the sun.
For growing up in the hundred degree plus desert, I am amazed and inspired by the absolute inferno that is southern Nevada. Absolutely scorching! Blazing! Nuclear! Good thing I like the heat. This might be a lot even for me, though.
I am glad I spent my adolescence in the desert. It makes the adjustment easier -- I can see the beauty in the tan and the barren. I think it would be more of a struggle for my native Missouri friends. For us, it's a lot like home.
It's only been a week since Wednesday, but we are getting settled in and comfortable. The kids are doing great -- although super ready for school to start! They toured them today and are very excited. But I am MORE excited. I never thought I'd be that Mom that is delighted for school to start, but LET ME TELL YOU. I don't know if it's the difference in their ages, 1 to 11. I don't know if there's just so danged many of them. I don't know if it's that I dragged them across the country. I don't know if I'm just older and more hag-like. But DANGIT. THE CHILDREN NEED TO GO TO SCHOOL!!! They just changed kindergarten to full day here this year. I honestly consider that a great blessing for Katelyn. She is so ready, and desperately needs the structure. Basically, it'll be Benson and I for a long time. I kind of feel bad about that for him, but I can't help he's that far behind... that's when the Lord sent him! I love my children and I'm so glad I am their mom. They are the best. And I will be a better mom when we are all back on schedule again!
Seriously, everything we need is within about 5 blocks. Couldn't be more convenient. I never have to leave my little corner! Although we all know about my hermit-like tendencies. I told the Double B I signed up for some things at the middle school in an effort to battle my inner recluse. He was both perplexed and impressed. He said "Say no to hermitage!" Which I think we can all agree is my new life motto.
I was thinking tonight about our life course -- what kind of insanity possessed us to leave our happy little life at home and become national wanderers -- and I have no answers about that. I don't know why we did it, what got us to do it. And I don't know that we'll ever get home -- or at least, not for many, many years. Sometimes that makes me sad. Sometimes I am glad for the adventure. Always I hope for growth and not just survival. I don't know. I never foresaw this for us. But that is when I have to apply my faith that the Lord is involved in our lives and that he DID have a hand in it. It's the only way for me to be able to travel this course. There is no looking back and no alternate course. This IS our course. It's the one that I believe the Lord chose for us. So I will be happy and rejoice in it.


E said...

Well I'm super glad that you left home for an adventure. I mean our lives wouldn't have been the same without having met the Burdette's.

Ducksoup said...

yay rie, a post! finally! i'm glad your kids are starting school to because maybe you can blog again :). i wish i was happy school was starting. i like the lazy days of summer for my sake and theirs :). you're the best! cute pic! benson looks so grown up.