Sunday, January 3, 2016

And In Conclusion... 2015 Edition

Celebrating the new year with some of our favorite people. 
2015. What a year. Who could have known when it started where it would end up? 
This year, the reoccurring theme has been: "Peace, be still."
I know that when the storms are raging in our lives, only the Master can calm the sea. 
It has been sometimes a very stressful year, but mostly a very joyful year. There have been deep disappointments but there have been truly beautiful, peaceful moments. It has been a year of gentle healing. 
It started in Missouri, detoured through Utah and came to rest in Nevada. We miss what we left behind but are happy with what we're finding. I feel confident we are in the right place at the right time. My heart is comfortable and joyful as I look back and look forward! 

My children are thriving. My husband is better then he has been in so long. My heart is full. It's a great way to end a very interesting year. You are loved, my friends. 


E said...

Let's hope this year you can breath and enjoy a visit from those Utah fans in Missouri!!!

E said...

Let's hope this year you can breath and enjoy a visit from those Utah fans in Missouri!!!