Friday, August 26, 2016

Daddy's Birthday

Daddy turned 36. This aging thing is getting pretty weird! 
We are so glad to have this human in our lives. His birthday was mid-move, so that wasn't too full of adventure. But we still fit some fun in and went to lunch at "Blaze," one of our favorite places to eat here. It's a cool pizza place. You pick your own toppings and then they make your pizza in a fire. What's not to like about that? Liv proudly bought him a little s'more pie they make there with her own money as a special surprise. 
The Double B has so many qualities and also many quirks. I'll come up with some quirks to share to help humanize this person. 
For instance, you will sometimes talk to him and he won't respond. Not even a "hmm," like pretending to hear you. Nothing. He DOES hear you, he just doesn't deign to respond. Also, often I'll tell him things and he'll PRETEND to listen and then later be shocked that I would never tell him important details. 
He is also a natively cheery person and a natively ornery person. It's very complex. He baffles me sometimes. I have learned to admire the cheery "everything is going to be okay" person and give the ornery person plenty of space, because he really doesn't want to be bothered. 
Basically, he's his own beautiful form of crazy. And I like him for it. It's comforting that I'm not the only adorably crazy person in this relationship!

These two take the most after their Dad in looks and carry certain defining personality traits -- Benson in his spirit of fun and adventure and Liv in her constant selfless service:
I asked the Double B what some of the highlights of his 35th year were. He said they were being so close to family, watching my confidence grow  (he's truly sweet to me), the promotion at work was good, and best of all watching this kid receive the priesthood and perform his priesthood duties so well and take them so seriously:
I've talked a lot about the Double B in this blog and also in person, praising him for his general awesomeness and stating my deepening, undying love for him. I do that because it's all true -- it brings me great joy to see the good in him (and tease him sometimes, too), and to praise the person I chose AND choose to spend my life (and hopefully more) with. He is too good for words and the fulfillment of so many things I wasn't even smart enough to wish for and definitely don't deserve.
Katelyn wrote her Dad a very cute birthday note telling him he can tickle her as much as he wants! That's a pretty great gift. Here they are, watching the Dad they love opening his birthday presents:
I love this funny 36-year-old

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