Saturday, June 9, 2018

Gratitude And Practice

I really can't tell you the effect that reading the works of Brene Brown is having on my life. Big time, positive shifts happening on the inside. I love what I am learning. I am almost done with 'Rising Strong' and it is great. 'Daring Greatly' has my heart, though, and all the others I'm reading seem to build on that. I guess I would say that her work in 'Daring Greatly' rings absolutely true to my soul. I am pursuing living a whole hearted life. And it's interesting, because I can see how my spirit has been guiding me in this direction for a long time, piece by piece, but I just didn't have a clear map and the research to back it up yet. Loving it so much.
One of the steps in building Shame Resilience is using gratitude as a spiritual practice. Of course, I knew how important it was and even had a profound teaching moment from the Holy Ghost when Katelyn was a baby about how instrumental gratitude would be to my life. But while I feel gratitude every day, and often profound gratitude, I couldn't seem to hold on to it as a substantial thing. I couldn't understand if it was an attitude, how to constantly maintain it, if that makes sense. Dr. Brown explained it in a slightly different way that helped me understand it: that gratitude is a PRACTICE. It is an intentional, conscious decision to practice. And I am all ABOUT practice, because I think practice is the secret sauce to both discipleship and compassion, both for self and others.
So I can do that practice. I am ready to be a student, learning how to utilize this amazing gift of gratitude to help me live a more whole hearted life.

I think God is so smart.
And maybe that sounds funny, but I am constantly amazed at Him, a designer and creator filled with so much love and mercy and wisdom. I am grateful for every opportunity He gives me to learn and grow.

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