Thursday, May 16, 2019

Put Me In, Coach

One week ago today was one of the best days ever. Ever. Here's a hint: 

I hope you guys know that I am a great proponent of being kind and gentle to yourself. This is obviously something I value very much, right? Something I truly believe is a worthwhile, lifelong priority... that's clear, right? Do I make that obvious enough? I believe in loving yourself and speaking kindly to yourself, on being the best friend that you need. I believe in that so much. Fundamentally. 
I hope you guys know that.

But here I am, Human Marie, and by the time the day was over, I was really feeling not so good about our friend Marie. And WHY? The dumbest reasons, guys. Just the dumbest reasons. And I'm not dumb. So I don't buy it. I don't buy it. I'm a great girl with great potential to do good in this world. So I'm going to be kind to me. 

And P.S.: World, if I don't look like I'm 20, guess what, I'm 36. I'm not 20. I'm way cooler than I was at 20, too, so you're welcome. 

And P.P.S.: I am going to stress way less starting tonight about my life changing next year and what I'm going to do with my life in Chapter 3. I have time to figure it out and dad gummit, I'm going to be intentional and trust myself. Also, I'm not asking for any more opinions (except God's, but I've noticed He doesn't seem interested in making all of my decisions). Guess who is a strong, competent, occasionally wise, one and only, 36 year old Marie? Me. That's who. I'll know what to do when the time arrives. 

Guys, here's an awesome new quote from Gary Stevenson:
So here we go -- I am amazing and awesome. I am a daughter of God. He loves me.
Now you say it.

Sweet dreams, you giant-hearted people. Tomorrow is a new day and the sun will rise again and shine warmly on our faces.

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