Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Bus Adventures

That headache woke me up during the night and I spent a couple of hours up nursing it until it let up enough to let me sleep again. So this morning after I got the kids to school, I took a long nap. That was exactly what my body needed, but I did feel bad that I didn't really get to spend time with the Double B before he left for work. 
Liv didn't get home from school at her usual time, and wasn't home when I left to pick up Benny and Kate. I was really starting to get worried, usually if there is a bus delay they let us know by text, but there were no messages. I was wondering if she missed her bus? Was she stuck at school? Lost? Kidnapped? You know, the usual. These are the moments I really hate that we haven't given her a cell phone yet. I had just determined to hurry to the high school after getting the babies when I got a call from a 702 number, and I knew that was her. She very calmly asked me to come get her, that she was totally fine and everyone was fine, but someone had run a red light and hit their bus, and they were stuck in the intersection but had the all clear for parents to come get them. Yikes! When she assured me again that she was okay, I told her that I would hurray as fast as I could to come and get her but it would be about twenty minutes to get Benny and Kate and get to her. She said that was fine and I rushed as fast as I could! It was quite a sight when we got there, lots of police and ambulances and redirected traffic, and I felt so so so thankful that she was okay. Scary! I parked and rushed over and showed my ID to the appropriate person, they took a picture of the two of us in front of the bus to show I'd gotten her, and we were released. She said they certainly got jerked when the car hit them, but everyone was okay, thank heavens. It ripped the front bumper off the bus and dented it badly, and shattered the front doors. The police had to pry those open, so that was exciting. She'd just had to be on a hot bus for an hour, knowing her Mom would be worried, but was otherwise okay. Sweet gal. As we walked away, I asked her if she wanted her picture in front of the carnage, and she said sure. She is now over the MOON that we took this picture. It looks just like a meme. She is so entertained by it and it has cracked us and her Dad and big brother up to no end.
What a gal. 
We are so thankful she's okay. Love this Livi girl. 
When I called her Dad to gently report what had happened but that she was okay, he said "oh, didn't the secretary call you?" Um... what? The school secretary had called him right away to explain what had happened but everyone was okay, but he just assumed (emphasis on how assume makes an ass of u and me) that she'd called all the parents and would have called me. Oh, man. Capital offense. I'd been worried sick not knowing where she was or what was going on. I was pretty steamed with this new information. It was probably a really good idea that he was working until 9 tonight! Gave me time to cool down. He was sincerely sorry and I know that, but we have now agreed (maybe we should sign it in our blood) to make sure the other person always knows what is going with school phone calls. 
Or. Else. 
Tonight Liv told me she practiced for a good twenty minutes the right approach to call me with, making sure she sounded totally cool and collected, so that I wouldn't freak out. Lol. I sent the picture after talking to Kaje tonight and he was rolling. This girl. 
When we got to the van, Kate was so relieved Livi was okay. Benson wasn't quite sure what had happened, and when Liv explained it he said with a very impressed voice "Wow. Was the bus driver thrilled?" Heh.
We found out an amazing coincidence last weekend. KJ was telling us about his biology professor, that he used to be a medical doctor. Grandma asked his name, but he couldn't remember it, so he looked it up. And that doctor delivered me. That's right! He was a doctor in the small town I grew up in, worked with my Mom at the medical clinic, and was the doctor that delivered me. And now he is my sons college biology teacher. Isn't that the very craziest thing ever?!?! We just laughed and laughed in amazement. Today after class KJ went and asked him if he knew Jill (insert my maiden name). He answered "I sure do! She is one of the most amazing people I have ever met!" KJ told him that was his grandma and that he delivered his Mom. He answered "I sure did!" This doctor was also involved in the care of my Grandpa when he was sick and loved my grandparents. He was excited that KJ got the chance to know my Grandma and they had a great talk about it. I asked him if he told the professor that his name was KJ, after his great grandpa. He paused and said "Oh... I didn't think of it. But he'll figure it out." Lol. Ladies and gentlemen, it is a small, small world.
Benson was super excited because today was the book fair and I sent him with a little money. He was very thrilled to bring home a book about volcanoes that came with metallic slime! So that's pretty great.
Katelyn's new young women's leader came over today to get to know her a little better. That makes Kate very nervous, so she asked me to stay with her. But she did great and was very cute, of course. This leader is also quiet and assured Kate that quiet is okay with her. We both appreciated that. 
Liv is okay. When I picked her up from work, she said a few times the sound of the car hitting the bus would run through her mind and it was upsetting, but otherwise she is fine. No bad aches or pains, thank heavens. We are really thankful she was watched out for. She stayed in our room for awhile tonight chatting until she really had herself (and us) laughing again, then headed off to bed feeling alright. We feel really blessed.
Labor Day Weekend report next. 
Talk to you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes!! Off she goes to get railed by a bus load of dudes!