Saturday, October 1, 2022

Halloween Represented

Feeling much much much better today, so I do believe the gomboo is confirmed. I don't think I'm a leper. Just still a little bit of achy in a couple areas like my hands and ankles, etc., otherwise feeling pretty darn good. Hurray. Even felt good enough to take care of some chores and feed my people, so we're on the mend. 
Benson's costume (a red ninja, it's amazing and you wouldn't believe it, basically. That's what Benson would tell you) arrived today, and in a real miracle, it arrived by 3 in the afternoon. Which was a huge thrill, because it just said "arriving by 10 p.m." and we were counting down every minute. He looks great and he feels like a real mercenary, so dreams really do come true. That's what I'm telling you. Me and Walt Disney are here to inform you that dreams do come true. I'm including this picture to show that Livi is basically the best big sister in history. It's quite an ordeal to put it all on, including ninja stars and cool ribbon wrapping, etc. And Liv helped him do it all, then hours later helped him disrobe. And that vacuum is in the background because she used it to suck up a bug to save her siblings earlier. So basically she's kicking butt and taking names. 
She and Benny both had a really fun time plotting Halloween, she told me a few weeks ago she's planning on taking him Trick or Treating (huzzah) and so was working on styling her own costume and hair/wig and makeup. Really fun to see her trying different ideas. 
Katelyn was very, very happy to not plan a costume and to be left alone so that she didn't even have to pretend that a costume would ever happen in any version of the multiverse. And I totally respect that. I absolutely do. Costume agency, that's what it's all about.
Liv helped me get the rest of the Halloween decorations out and honestly I'm proud of us. I really lost my decorating/celebrating mojo, but really wanted to get it back for my kids, so I told them we were reclaiming Halloween. It's always been one of my very favorite holidays, and I want it back. I even got my very own little Haunted House from Costco, after waiting my entire lifetime for my own Haunted House! I grew up with one that my Mom always put on the piano and I have always loved it so very much. And now we have one at our house, too! It's all very exciting. We even watching some classic Halloween cartoons on Disney+ before bed. Muy fun.
If only I can find a singing spider one day, then I'll be fully formed.
I am really happy to say that General Conference was a really good experience for me today. I have had really bad conference anxiety this week, so badly hoping nobody was going to say anything to hurt my child. My Momma support group was this week, and it was good timing. A whole bunch of Mom's just really anxious about what curve balls might be thrown and needing to be together. But today was just so good and peaceful for me. I felt so thankful. I felt the soothing warmth of the Spirit several times and felt wonderful personal instructions. So many good talks for me. Kristen M Yee spoke this afternoon of the difficulty and pain of not forgiving, of having a war in your own heart. I didn't realize there was a war happening in my heart, because there is not a person I'm at war with. But there has been. And through the day I just felt those weapons of war be put down and felt at peace. That's really a tremendous blessing and I don't take it for granted. I treasure it. I hope I can sow beauty from the ashes. I hope it can be a real final push into the next stage of my becoming.  
Really hoping tomorrow can be more of the same. I hope there will be peaceful words spoken, more words of love and welcome and belonging.
Talk to you soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could those shorts be any shorter? You know her butt cheeks need to be IN the shorts right!?