Sunday, May 21, 2023

Sunday Funday

Liv was speaking in another ward today so we got to go to church a little later. The girls both looked absolutely beautiful today -- like real life princesses. The two Double B's joined for the photo opp, one by choice and one by force. But the real winners here are Kate and Liv. So, so lovely. 
Liv knocked it out of the ball park, of course. I have included her talk at the end for you to enjoy, it's so adorable. Afterwards, a young mom came up and told me that Olivia was amazing and her favorite talk by far. She said that she is so beautiful, charming, and articulate, and that she hopes her daughters grow up to be just like that. What an amazing compliment. 
When we got home, Dad kindly volunteered to make dinner and I was very happy to let him. He decided to try a recipe from north of the border and made us "poutine." It was tasty and we were impressed. 
While we were talking around the table, the topic of classic Disney characters came up. The following conversation occurred:

Benson - You know Donald? We've got a lot in common. 

Mom - You and Donald Duck? 

Dad - I think he's talking about a kid from school. 

Mom - Benson, duck or person?

Benson - Duck!! Because we both get mad all the time!

And... scene. That's just cute. 
Kate had many quotes today, she was on a roll. Also at dinner, she mentioned a rapper. Benson asked what a rapper was and she answered "they love wrapping presents and dissing each other." Lol.
After our lesson the girls were all sitting around visiting. Liv said that she wondered what her husband would do if we lived in a different time period. Kate quickly quipped "your husband is probably engaged in gladiatoral combat!" A little later she asked me what I'd change my name to if I could name myself. I said "hmmm... Spring?" She answered "personally, I'd name myself Purple Sparkle Fairy." This kid cracks me up. 
Talked to Kaje tonight after a long day of work for him. He got there in time to get a cookie for Addie's seminary graduation and was relieved about that, and liked the way his new haircut is parting. So that's good news. 
My Double B and I were together enjoying it all.
Tomorrow is a big day, folks: the last day of school. Happy us. 
Love you. 

Here is our Livi's talk, for your enjoyment:

My mom is a great gal. I'm a big fan. She's supported and watched out for me in whatever I do, even the little things are importat to her. When I was but a wee little las, I was infatuated by disney princesses. I would spend hours on the couch watching princesses sing about finding love and adventure. I was absolutely convinced that I was a princess. I mean, my dad called me a princess, so it was obviously evidence of my royal blood. When I saw Enchanted it was all over. Enchanted wasn't a cartoon, so obviously it was real. From then on, every sewage grate was an opportunity. I prepared myself in case I fell in and landed in a magical place with a gigantic dress. If I fall in one now, don't worry. Little Timmy is fine. I'm either a princess or a ninja turtle now, and I see both as a win! My mom furthered this idea by helping me change into beautiful princess dresses provided by costco and would write my name in princess cursive. When the princess dresses no longer fit and my dingle hoppers were replaced by hairbrushes, she supported me in my next big obsession, boy bands. Dun dun DUUUUN. She bought me my first One Direction cd on my seventh birthay, and then consoled me when my dear British boy band broke this directioners heart and went on a "break". I'll never get over it. Even now she watches out for me. She always reminds me to be careful when I cut vegetables, and buys me chicken nuggets when I'm feeling beyond devastated. Sometimes you just need some mcnuggets for your mcwoes.
  I love my mom. She means a lot to me. She's taught me very important life lessons. She taught me to ALWAYS love N-Sync and NEVER associate myself with the Backstreet Boys-- I could never do such a thing, No Strings Attached all the way-- and she taught me how to drive, which is why I'm electing her for the nobel peace prize AND a newberry award, I'll send you the google quiz if you want to vote for her too. More importantly, She's taught me the importance of self love, and the courage in vulnerability. Most importantly, she's shown me by example the importance of kindness and treating people with love. Even now I still feel like a princess. No, noones offered to save me from a sea witch, unfortunately, and I've never kissed a frog, but my mom has taught me that I am a daughter of a heavenly king, and that I should view others with the same divine heritage.
   Luke 10 says "thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself." My mom is a shining example of that very verse. I've seen it as she has faithfully served in her various callings in young women's, primary, and now in relief society. Currently she's the secretary in relief society and her news letters and very cute. I've seen it as she has shown love to her friends and family; even strangers. She is always open to show love. I have seen her practice self love and express the necessity of self love--something that is very difficult to do. 
   Mothers are the truest examples of pure love. Thomas S. Monson gave a general conference talk in 1973 called "Behold Thy Mother". My dad wasnt even born yet, so it can be classified as an oldie but a goodie. In the talk, he says "maternal love HAS to be divine. There is no other explanation for it. What mothers do is an essential element of Christ's work." I couldn't agree more. Women have been given the divine power to create life, possibly the greatest gift God has given to man. They have also been given the power to love unconditionally, as Christ does. Their love is a essential element of Christ's work, as president Monson had said. One divine aspect of motherly love is the extent to which it can reach. Its not only biological mothers that fulfill the world's need for love--step-mothers, adoptive mothers, foster mothers, and many with maternal hearts that spread this sacred love. A mothers love inspires, encourages, and assures.
  A mothers love is also strong. Mothers in the church have often been compared to a 'lioness at the gate', protecting their children from whatever harm might come their way. You see, male lions will often go head to head, fighting in order to become the new leader of the lion pride. I saw it in my favorite lion documentary--the good lion and the bad lion get in a fight, wrestling each other next to conveniently placed cliffs. The bad lion gets the upper hand, and the good lion slips off the cliff, hanging on only with his claws. He'll hang there, begging the bad lion for help, but the bad lion will say something snappy like-"long live the king" and make the other lion fall to his wildebeest-y doom--!!! Sometimes they do that, and sometimes they just swat at each other like they're in high school. Anyway, when one lion defeats the other and becomes the new leader of the lion pride, he'll try to kill any cub that isn't his own. However, the mother lion will do everything in her power to protect her child. You should look up a video of it when you get home, its amazing!!! She'll fight something much larger than she is, ready to do whatever it takes to protect her precious child. And the miraculous thing is, the mother lion will win a lot! The male lion is forced to back off and leave the child and mother alone. Mothers are fierce. 
  Of course, as the old saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. I have been blessed to be surrounded by, and loved by, many marvelous and notable women. I have received motherly love from my own mother, aunts, grandmother's, young women's leaders, seminary teachers, and even fellow church members. Their love and patience have crafted me into who I am today. Trust me, its taken a lot of patience.
   I'm not the only one who owes it to the women in my life for my success. Many notable men have credited their mother's for forming them into who they are. Abraham Lincoln stated "all that I am, or hope to be, I owe it to my angel mother". George Washington similarly credited his mother, saying "all that I am, I owe to my mother" Beyonce was right. Girls really do run the world.
   I was going to close this by saying "let's keep the spirit of mothers day in our hearts all year round", which is weird, but my heart's in the right place, so statement not rescinded. Even when there's no big holiday to celebrate, let's celebrate the women who have made us. Whether it be by blood or by bond, let's remember to express our gratitude and appreciation for the God given gifts that are mothers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You left out the part where she said you taught her to suck dick and invited her to her first orgy. How nervous she was and then how supportive and helpful mom was while she parted her legs for one of the married men from church. She described that it felt like being a slut at first until she relaxed and you passed her over to another man. This time it was a turn to ejaculate into her. She described the rush and feeling of having semen in her and mom showed her how to push it outta herself. Doing gods work mom!