Monday, September 18, 2023


Last night when I got home I hugged all my people tight. I asked the Double B how everything went and he said "Good. I did A LOT of driving."
I felt so seen in that moment. Validation is so delicious.
While KJ and I were off having the absolute best time ever, the home front was pretty exciting. Benson got sick and threw up, and Livi kindly helped him through it. She even cleaned the carpet that was victimized, which is so brave. Benny helped her clean it, too, she said he scrubbed with her. Kate kept everybody in line, and Dad made twice stuffed potatoes and even experimented with a meatloaf!
The conference really was so great. This is what I texted to my friends in the RS presidency about it: "Got back last night from such a beautiful weekend. The conference was amazing -- there were almost 1500 people there! The faith and testimonies in the Savior that were expressed and the feeling of love and zion community there was so, so special. It was a really healing experience for KJ -- that is an amazing blessing. And it was for me, too! I think it made this space feel less lonely and painful for everyone there. It strengthened my faith and my heart. 💜"
One of the big highlights was getting to attend the Questions From The Closet kickoff event. KJ had REALLY wanted to get to go to one, and it was so fun!! We love Ben and Charlie. They are two of KJ's heroes and have been a big help to do many of us in this space. He was super excited to meet them. And guess what -- we were in Charlie's Instagram stories!! So basically we're famous. 
Here we are (I put the heart over us since it's like Where's Waldo) at the kickoff event. 
And here we are, waiting to meet Charlie! It's rough handling this much fame, but we're doing our best. 
I got to spend time with Moms I've met in through Lift and Love, and we really got to become good buddies with Lori and her son Charles. It was so nice. 
I also found out that KJ carries this picture of Benson in his wallet, which is adorable. 
They were long days but filled with goodness. While up there we had a really meaningful talk with my cousin Ambra as she asked him questions about his experiences, and she expressed her love and support to KJ in such a tender way. It meant a lot to both of us. 
It was so good to be there with Kaje, and I am so thankful that he decided to take a chance and come. I stopped and spent a couple of hours with my parents on the way home, where I both cried cleansing tears and laughed so hard I cried. 
It was soooo nice to get home. I got the best hugs and loved catching up with everybody. Benny texted me every day up there and is really great at choosing very cute Gifs we've learned, so that was really fun. But there's nothing that compares to holding those three little bodies tight again. Plus, my boyfriend is here.
Here's a summary of my main thoughts today and my plans for October:

Okay, I love you. Bye!

1 comment:

Trina said...

Love that this was such a good experience for you both!
Chastity is definitely a disaster waiting to happen!