Monday, April 22, 2024

Prom, GARTH!!!, And Other Adventures

Olivia had prom on Saturday! She had such a great time and looked like a princess while doing it.
Prom was by the airport, so she totally slayed navigating downtown, too. (Which is no small feat.) Her friends came over to get ready together, and it was so fun to listen to them having a blast together. I love the sound of happy teenagers. They are adorable and all looked amazing. 
It's been a really good year for Liv. I think she is happy that she gave herself the opportunity to go have an adventure at a new school and has made some great friends there. 
After the girls headed out for their adventures I went with the young women leaders to the temple. We went to dinner afterwards and had a doll of a time.
Honestly, I am impressed that I made it to the temple twice in one week. I may have peaked! Both were good experiences and with people that I am very fond of, so a win for our little Marie. We'd all like to think that things like this may lead to me becoming a better person over time. (That is yet to be determined. A real TBD.) 

When I got home Benson had the greatest artwork to show me! Two self portraits that I am absolutely in love with. His art is so darn fun and I am always amazed at the detail that he puts into it. 

Pretty darned cute.
Poor Kate has been sick the last few days. When she gets sick she really gets it. My heart just goes out to her, I wish she didn't have to deal with that. She is a trooper and I tried to take care of her the best that I could. I think she might be part of the migraine sufferer brigade. I really hope not. WTH, genetics!! I love that little bean. Tonight she was letting me hug on her in the kitchen before heading off to bed. I told her that she's my tiny baby bean even if she tries to turn 14. I reminded her that you can't even do those things without permission, anyway, and I haven't heard her give any requests! Liv was working on her art at the table and said "Kate, sometimes you've just got to rebel." Lol. That gave her sister a laugh and is probably good advice.
Yesterday was stake conference. It was a good meeting, but two hours is a lot for a bum. At least we aren't the Double B, he had to sit through four hours with his meeting beforehand! He said he felt his ADHD in a really intense way by the end, ha ha. Then last night he was off to the hospital to give a blessing and minister to a ward member again. He is really an amazing human being. We stan a king, as the kids say.
Olivia and I had a very unexpected opportunity to see GARTH(!!!!) this weekend!! We certainly weren't expecting such an awesome experience to come our way, but we got to go at the last minute with my cousin Paul and his awesome wife Ari, and it was a total ball. Garth is one of the great showman's, and we adore Paul and Ari. It was really fun to get to share that experience with Liv, and she had a really great time. We do realize that between seeing BTS and GARTH(!!!!) as her concert experiences, she might have unrealistic expectations for when she gets to see just your regular type of artist. She's gotten to see some of the greats at a young age. That's super awesome. And I'm basically an infant in middle age, so my young age, too! What a blast. He's so amazing. He never disappoints. We love GARTH!!!!
Kate is on the mend, thank heavens, and everybody got to school just fine today. Poor Dad got called into work at two in the morning, so he got home earlier than usual and then basically collapsed into sleep for four hours. Much needed. He was a little bummed when he woke up to have slept away the day, but I'm thankful. He does know that he really needed it. When he gets too worn down he gets a cold, and with his asthma that cough just sets into his lungs and then we're chasing it for a few months. So I'm really thankful that he learned some wisdom in his youth and got some rest (Alma would be proud).

Kate and Benny had the misfortune of having to get their teeth cleaned and checked today. Nobody likes that. But they do have the cleanest teeth ever tonight, so that's a benefit. Liv had a girls camp meeting tonight and is now working away on her art final. It's coming right along. 

Kaje is trying to survive the last week of classes and then finals next week. A stressful time, as all college students know! We're cheering for him!

I talked with my Mom on the phone this morning and then just Mom'd. My favorite kind of busy work. Alright. Here is where we finish our record for tonight. I love you and I like you. Let's talk again soon.


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