Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Angel Food Cake

This morning while Benson and I were walking to school, we saw a man on a motorcycle that must spend a significant amount of time on that bike -- it had lots of stuff strapped to it. Benson made a noise of surprise and observed "Looks like that cyclist has been eating Chipotle -- and Taco Bell! ...So he's farting!!" Oh my goodness. I got such a laugh. Benson is a classic boy. It's so fun to hear his little boy mind at work.
When the Double B got home from work he whipped up some whipped cream and sliced some strawberries and served us all the angel food cake treat he intended for us to enjoy on Sunday! It was very, very delicious. I thought that was very nice of him to do that for us after a long day at work. Plus, he looked so cute.
Benson and I sang along to tunes while I watched Dad and Benny built Lego guys. It was fun. Spotify was playing some really confidence building numbers for us, lots of encouragement.
Here is my pretty angel food cake, as served by my boyfriend. Pretty nice, I gotta say.
While waiting, Benson decided to give his teeth a good brushing and asked me to send a text to KJ about it. He likes to keep his brother informed.
Made my second run to Costco in two days, but did make it home with the antibiotic I needed for Katelyn's ears. So that was a win. I also found some jeans the Double B liked yesterday and so I got a couple more pairs today. So that was a win, too. Let's walk on the sunny side of the street here.


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