Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Grandma And Grandpa Came!!!

We were the luckiest, luckiest kids ever in December, because Grandma and Grandpa A flew out to spend ten days with us over Christmas! It was the BEST. TIME. EVER. Seriously, the most relaxing, enjoyable, fun, happy time ever. I don't know which of us was more blissed out.
I was a little nervous the morning they flew in, as we'd had a few ice storms and were, in fact, scheduled to have one that morning (which we did, but thankfully it was under control in time for their flight). I spent some high quality time with myself in the wee morning hours, excited and nervous and praying for the Lord to temper the elements just long enough for their plane to land. And land it did, very safely! They flew over a cloud cover the entire way from Las Vegas to Kansas City -- winter. Let me tell ya.
Kate understood what was happening this time -- we were at the airport and weren't dropping off Daddy, so we MUST be going to see Grandma and Grandpa! It only took a minute for her to warm up this time. Me and this cowboy hat guy were sitting next to each other waiting anxiously for our loved ones, exchanging looks of anticipation. And then there they were! Hurrah!
Kate and I took them to our favorite, Planet Sub, for lunch. Seriously, me and the Planet Sub guy are becoming best friends forever. He has even volunteered to let me sleep on the cot in the back, which was pretty nice. Kate got this fabulous shot of my Mom that I love:
That storm did arrive, and we got socked in for a few days -- literally snowed in for a couple days. So that was a good start, we got to relax and enjoy each others company. The girls enjoyed crawling on their jungle gym: 
And Grandpa got in a few good naps (obviously my girls are Papa's girls):
And everyone knows Grandma gives the very best snuggles: 
I was spoiled, because I wasn't feeling well, my Mom pretty much took care of me the whole time. Cleaned, made meals, service with a smile. So appreciated! I did feel guilty because she was my guest, after all, but who doesn't like being taken care of by their Mom? I certainly enjoyed it (as did my family!)
We played games -- including Papa being a good enough sport to play a demented version of Life with KJ, since we are missing about half the pieces. That was pretty funny to watch. KJ was on a game streak, and would not back down until I taught him how to play Settlers of Catan. And let me tell you, that boy is diabolical. 

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