Friday, March 31, 2017

Thinking About Dad

You know how after you lose someone the passage of time gets really weird? Like it doesn't seem like it could possibly be that long since they left and simultaneously it seems much longer.
I've just been thinking about Dad and the events celebrating his life. We went up a couple of weekends ago to surprise Mom for their anniversary. It was a nice visit and I enjoyed listening to her tell stories and analyze and express herself and her love for him. I think he would be happy to know he is loved and missed.
The night of his viewing and before his funeral, Benson was sick and didn't sleep well. In fact, hardly at all. That meant the Double B and I hardly slept at all, and that was rough. Especially because your sleep is so interrupted during that time, anyway. Then the next night we were staying at my Aunt Jan's before the burial the next morning and just after I fell asleep I heard KJ throwing up. He was extremely, extremely sick and that was the last sleep either of us got that night. Poor KJ had it worst because he was the one so very sick. But either way, it was horrible. I was so emotionally exhausted and then to not sleep like that was just tough on all of us. We were talking about it the other day and KJ did not want us to forget how sick he was. It's so interesting how when things are so hard they get harder. It sure stinks when you're in the middle of it! But we made it through and it was a lovely service.
One tender little story. At Dad's viewing I took the kids outside to wait for Uncle Jonnie and Aunt Trina because it was just too rough on them. (Uncle Tony had been very sweet to KJ, hugging him as he cried on the way in.) We were in the parking lot Olivia was  anxious and crying. Her faithful FC Stacia was walking with her trying to help her, and I tried to help her, but she "just wanted to be alone!" Then Aunt Trina arrived. Sometimes all you need in the world is your Aunt who loves you and understands you. Aunt Trina wrapped Liv in her arms and Livi just laid her head on her chest and let herself be comforted as she cried and cried (and Aunt Trina cried, too, cause she's a tender heart). It was so sweet, and a comfort to me, too, that she had someone there she was able to communicate with. There's just nothing in the world like a faithful Aunt. Jon wrapped his arm around me and it was nice for me to have my big brother for a minute, too. Thank heavens God gave us families!

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