Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Wednesday Adventures

The Double B is off today and we've spent a significant amount of time just laying there and chilling out in the magnificent summer. I love you, summer time. You da best.
If you were wildly productive today, I salute you. 
I did go to the dentist. So there's that. (I have a hilarious dentist. But I still deeply dislike visiting him in his dental office with all of his dental equipment and  being attacked by all the general dentalness.)
I have also run a few errands. 
And I have young womens and a presidency meeting tonight. So actually, I am now thinking that I'm actually a wildly productive person! Hashtag: go Marie. 
Here are these two little rugrats playing "Family" the other night with their baby doll. So fun to watch. 
Kate the Great drew these pictures of Benson and his little friends yesterday. He looooved them, basically went nuts with joy and carried them around all day. Then, in a fit of Benson rage (he's really holding on to that whole toddlerhood thing)(hashtag: Battle Benson), he crinkled them up and threw them on the ground. A few minutes later he came back in, gasped, and cried out "Oh, no! My precious Benson!" And we had to straighten them up as best as we could. What a nut.
I love Katelyn's art. She has her own special style and I really love it.

The kids and I went on a date last night to In N Out to celebrate a clean house (before we destroyed it again). It was a great time. Katelyn put lemon in her root beer, which I thought was interesting, but Olivia vouched for and proclaimed very delicious. Hashtag: way to be individuals, I guess. Benson was, as always, a little rambunctious, and KJ was...a teenager, and unimpressed by Battle Benson. I reminded him that he prayed for this little brother! One of my favorite answered prayers ever.
Please note that I have a swollen eyelid right now. My right, your left. It's a fascinating story of a crazy zit, sensitive skin, and eyelids that are a little droopy and totally willing to swell at the least provocation.

 Olivia was telling us the other day about all the little children that love her. She's great with kids. After naming several she said "All my worshippers, basically." It's nice to be Queen.

The other day the kids wanted to go "cokin'," so we all piled in the car. Benny was wearing a shirt and underwear and I was just fine with that since we weren't getting out anywhere. As I went to buckle him in, he said "Oh wait" and pulled a little red car out of his undies. Then "Oh no, where's my guy?!" And had to look around before pulling a big red Lego that was acting as his 'guy' out of his improvisational "pocket." So funny. Points for creativity.

Sorry about the following story, Adult Benson, but it's hilarious. Bens has always loved to get into the bathroom cupboard and carry around tampons. He just thinks they're a great toy. I thought he was moving on from this but the other day he had one again. He ran into the room, held it up high like a superhero, and yelled "It's an energy capsule!' And then ran back out. Awesome.

He also loves 'Transformers' and "transforms" frequently. It's really fun to watch. He takes it very seriously.

Yesterday morning Benson shoved a little Lego wheelbarrow up into a vacuum attachment and was very upset when it was stuck. As Daddy was trying to get it out with a pair of pliers Benson said, very sincerely (he's a great apologizer. He really gets into it) to his Dad "I'm sorry I did it." Daddy answered "That's okay. You're really cute, and that's why it's okay.
He loves saying things like "I'm so, so sorry, Momma." Or "I'm so sorry I did that, Katelyn." Or "I'm sorry I'm mad at you, YaYa." He pulls a big dramatic face and fills his voice with great remorse. Ha ha.

Early this morning we were laying there, listening to the house start to stir. 
We hear in the hall KJ go "rawr!"
And then Benson let out a primal scream. That's cold blooded to scare a three-year-old, but oh man, that scream was hilarious!
KJ quickly whispers "Not too loud, okay, buddy?" Like Benson could control the volume of his fear. We laughed all morning about that one!
Alright. I'm off to young womens. Dang, Marie, you're so productive!

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