Sunday, December 9, 2018

Activity Days And Other Happenings

Isn't this the cutest picture of our girls?
Both so unique and so sweet.
Tonight was recognition night for Activity Days -- Katee's first and Livi's last. They asked Olivia to give a talk on testimonies and she did awesome. Katelyn drew her a picture to use as a visual aid in her talk. It was fun to watch. 
Then we came home and gratefully ate what the instant pot had made for us -- roast with potatoes and carrots. That thing is the best. 
I just keep fighting this darn headache every evening this week. I've always had a problem with carrying all my tension in my shoulders and neck, they get crazy tight and then the tension headaches start until I figure out something to do about it. I honestly need to learn to reeeelax. Life long pursuit, right there.
Went walking with Kendra early this morning and that was a great way to start my Sunday.
In Sacrament Meeting Benson very methodically laid out his hymn book as a pillow, rearranged his pictures, laid down and peacefully fell asleep. And stayed asleep on his hymn book pillow until ten minutes before church let out. Now that's a nap!
Talked to my Mom tonight and they are doing pretty good. My Dad has had the stomach flu and I worry about all that my Mom has on her plate right now. The Double B's poor Mom has had the shingles and has been absolutely miserable. Believe it or not, I had shingles once, and so I know for sure that it is the pit of despair...and hers covers a much bigger area. We've just felt so bad for her, but she's slowly recovering. This is definitely a time when it would be extremely convenient to live up the street from our parents, but I guess I'll just be grateful that we're not across the country!
All the hard helps you appreciate the good, right? Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the opportunity to live this crazy life! Thank you for things like little girls and hymn book pillows and Activity Days recognition nights! 💖💖

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