Friday, May 17, 2019

Liv's Leg Lamp

Today the Double B was off and we had such a dreamy day with Benson, running all the errands that are not nearly as fun when you do them yourself. He is a catch, that Double B. Funny, cute as all heck, exasperating, and extremely Male. 

This evening was the end of the year award ceremony where we were summoned to watch Olivia win two Major Awards (similar to a leg lamp, but different): a pin for the President's Award and a fancy plaque for a whole year of straight A's. She is in sixth grade but tested into all honors seventh grade english, science, and math classes. And kicked their tushies. She is a brain that is benefited by a ferocious desire to learn. Proud of the person that she is, Major Awards or not. 
 An hour and a half in a hot gym proved too much for Benson, who finally crashed and slept for about an hour of it, comfortable in Momma's arms. It was sooo sweet. And hot. And uncomfortable. And precious. His little arm on my shoulder is the real clincher. Love this baby mine.
The end of the school year races toward us.

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