Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Yesterday when I went to pick up Benson, he hopped out into the open area, did a Michael Jackson spin, and tipped his imaginary fedora, just like Michael. Sensing I was in for a treat, I picked up my phone and started to take pictures. When he first recognized that I was, in fact, taking photos, he stopped for a long moment. Then he spun so he was facing backwards and moonwalked down the street to the car, tilting his fedora and finishing with flair. It. Was. Awesome. This kid makes life very adventurous. 
Yesterday also had another highlight, my loved friend Jen came over for a long lunch. It was so great to catch up with her and laugh and talk together. Love her dearly and so happy for our time in Relief Society together so that we could develop a dear friendship.
This afternoon Katelyn signed up for her ninth grade classes! High school here she comes!!! This is such an exciting day. She has been living and breathing to move on to high school, and here it is. Shining in front of her. I'm so happy for her! I think it will be great. I really do. She chose choir and drama as her electives. I'm thrilled. So fun. Such an exciting day for our Kate the Great that we all love.
Tonight mutual was at our house. We had a fun time making Easter baskets for the missionaries and chatting away, then making a last minute run to get sodas. I am thankful to have this calling for lots of reasons, most especially to be with my girls, but also because it helps me practice being around people in a more natural way. Those girls are fun and the leaders are so loveable, too. 
Benson had an especially great time tonight because he got to go be Dad's partner. They took the cars to the car wash and got to go to Dairy Queen and get a frozen hot chocolate. The Double B said they had a great time together, whistling along to the radio. Benson told him it was extra cool because Mom never lets him whistle in the car. Lol. Poor Benson!
It's true, too. My poor kids never get to whistle or shake their legs or tap their pencils. Because I am deranged and just can't handle that kind of stimulation. But I sure do love them!! So that's going to have to make up for the rest. Maybe their Dad can start to take them for whistle drives, where they whistle and tap and shake to their hearts content. 
There were Craisins at the activity tonight, and it reminded me of these precious pictures of Little Livi. So tonight she went and grabbed her faithful old blanky and we staged a reenactment. Pretty darn fun. This girl has always been an absolute delight. 
We were cracking up! I love this one of her Dad just thinking she's the best thing since Swiss cheese. She definitely is.
Getting ready to head up this weekend for a busy and full few days -- first destination to see KJ perform in The Lamb of God on Friday night! We can not wait. It's such an incredible show and to get to see him perform in it will be such a thrill. It has been such a boost to his spirit to work on it this semester, many times he has felt the Holy Ghost touch his heart and testify of the Savior. I'm thrilled for him and thrilled to get to see him do his thing.

This evening when we were eating dinner Benson was texting KJ on and off about his frustrations with the game Zelda, and KJ was kindly answering, like he always does for Benny. When they finished, Benson told Katelyn with great pride and appreciation in his voice "My brother is really good at brothering."

My heart.


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