Thursday, September 15, 2016

Worried Kids

Grandpa B and Kate the Great having a snuggle and sharing the same facial expression. Genetics at its best. 
The Double B's Dad is in the hospital. He is very sick and having some struggles and it makes us so sad to see him have a hard time. We love him and are worried about him. Things are looking like they are improving, though, and that is a happy thing if they keep going that way. He will be 92 in November and that is amazing! I know he is old and has lived a good life and wouldn't mind himself, really, if it's time to go. And I know it's such a hard job for Mom B to take such good care of him. But I just don't want to not have him with us. Of all the people I love, Dad B has a special soft spot all his own in my heart. I truly love him and feel a special bond with him. 
The Double B left last night to spend the rest of the week with him, to help in the hospital and hopefully relieve some of the burden for his Mom. We are going for a quick recovery, but we also know he is in the Lord's merciful and wise hands.

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