Friday, September 8, 2017

Rain Musings

I'm laying in bed listening to rain pour and thunder rumble. The air conditioner just kicked on and the lighting flashes and it's pretty great. Kids are in bed, not asleep, but safely nestled. Five minutes till lights out.
I've been listening to this podcast lately called Bold New Mom, and it's awesome. Today as I was scrubbing the sink and folding laundry and wiping down the bathroom I listened to her talk about being in the present --  living in the here and now. I think I'm getting better at this, but she said something that really struck me --  that the present is the only place that we can actually feel joy, because it's the only thing that's real. That really resonated with me. I'm on a little journey right now with the Lord, taking Him up on some of His offers, and I feel like that was the perfect thing to go along with what He's teaching me. I don't obsess about happiness because I am learning that I was meant to feel and experience the whole spectrum of life. But what I am seeking (and experiencing many times) is JOY. That's where the bread and butter is, and the only place that I can experience it is right here and now, regardless of any outside circumstances.
This is a good time in our lives, and I am so grateful for it. God is good, aware, interested, reliable, waiting for us to come to Him. He is changing my life in every way, and hopefully my heart forever. I believe that through Him, I can become a whole person. I trust Him that He can do it.

1 comment:

Ducksoup said...

Beautiful post! I want to listen to that podcast.