Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sunday Night Chat

It's Sunday night and the kids are in bed (not asleep, but that'll come) and the Double B is asleep, of course, and I'm just feeling lonely, as you sometimes do.
I wasn't really going to blog because I don't have much to add, but I decided you can be my friend and I'll just visit with you.
First, a documentation of sins: I get so frustrated with my kids sometimes and am not nearly as nice or patient as I should be, and then I'm frustrated with myself, then I repent, take the sacrament, and by Sunday night I'm back to crazy and it starts all over again. No one is more annoyed by this then Marie. The two main reasons I lose my cool are the mess and the fighting. I think many parents relate. Unfortunately I have a hair trigger, which I do think is related to my high-strungness, but still. No excuse. It's like logically I know messes/fighting comes with parenthood, emotionally I'm done with it. I do not think I'm the most fit parent. I don't think any organization will be giving me any awards. But honestly, I do love my kids. And I'm blessed with the most forgiving kids in the land, who hopefully will just look back fondly on their wacky Mom.
I'll try again tomorrow.
KJ found out that the honor orchestra took 8 violas and he was number 9. Sooo many kids auditioned! He is not disappointed at all by this, he is just thrilled (and so is his orchestra teacher) that he made it in the top ten. He is excited to try again next year. I'm happy with his attitude.
Olivia is working on another major book report. She always includes some artwork and I love that. The math and science middle school for smarties wants her to come there next year, but she's saying no thanks. She wants to stay with her friends and just take the accelerated classes. I'm fine with that. She is whip smart but still so social and steady. She is not a tortured artist.
Katelyn is whip smart and a little bit of a tortured artist. She has always been my angel that struggles with her confidence and in finding her place. She is so sweet and shy in public that she really struggles to communicate and I think that is a big part of her frustration at home. I would feel the same way if I could not find a way to express myself. She is so good at so many things, tonight I am thinking that maybe we need to find something that she loves that is all her own! She is so precious to me.
Benson continues to be the most hilarious, adorable, crazy guy around. He is ALMOST out of the terribles and Battle Benson is waining. He is talking like a grown up so much of the time. He is almost all the way there -- he will often rephrase what he's said to make it a more complete sentence. It's darn cute. Not too long ago he told me "I love you, Mom" for the first time after I'd told him that I love him. Those are the best milestones! He's still not interested in potty training, though he's gone about 10-12 times when he feels like it. He still loooves his blankie and loooves nursery, and his nursery leaders love him.
The Double B is good. Work is a little crazy right now and the Cubs just lost to the Dodgers in the National League championship, so that's a trial. But he keeps going like the winner he is.
I think about what I'm going to do when Benson goes to school often. I am ner-cited about that.
I went with my friend Debbie last Thursday to Zumba. I LOVE Zumba but haven't been in about seven years! I forgot how much I love to dance. And it totally kicked my bum! We're going to be Zumba partners, so I am very excited about that.
And I'm giving up Diet Coke. Sniff.
That's all for today. Love you, one and all. Thanks for talking to me. I don't feel so lonely now.

1 comment:

Ducksoup said...

I love you Rie! Um, you are the cutest on planet earth and pretty sure you could win all the mom awards out there! Loved this awesome post. And way to go KJ, that's so awesome!